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Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

One Stupid Dragon

Once upon a time in a cave there lived a big and fierce dragon. He could breath out fire from his mouth. He was very proud of it because this ultimate weapon could burn down houses and lands.
One day, he heard from his old companions that there was one strong dragon who challenged every dragon to defeat him. So he flew out of his cave to take the challenge. All the way he showed off his strength by burning every house and land he found. No one could stop him. He was so proud because he could make every one and thing out of his way. But, after several hundred miles from his cave, the weather changed. The cloud got darker and darker, then suddenly a very thick fog approached. Blindly he moved his wings to find the right direction, but unfortunately, he hit one giant tree. It broke his left wing and made him fall to the ground, and this made his right wing broken. Now the dragon should walk on his feet to go home. Unluckily, all the way home the people whose houses and lands were burnt by the dragon ran after him. Poor the dragon.

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